The information on albacore tuna compiled and edited by the following people.
- Quick Facts: Patricia Kailola, Tarlochan Singh, Victoria Jollands
- Sustainability: Patricia Kailola, Victoria Jollands, and Tarlochan Singh; Updated Feb 2019 by Victoria Jollands
- Production: Victoria Jollands, Patricia Kailola, and Tarlochan Singh
- Supply Chains & Markets: Victoria Jollands, Patricia Kailola, and Tarlochan Singh
- Environment & Climate: Patricia Kailola, Tarlochan Singh, and Victoria Jollands
- Biology: Patricia Kailola, Tarlochan Singh
Editing, all pages: Meryl Williams
Information Provided by the Following
- John Hampton (Secretariat for the Pacific Community - SPC)
- Johann D. Bell, SPC (Pacific Island consumption patterns, climate change)
- Lindsay Chapman, SPC (Pacific Island consumption patterns)
- Simon Hoyle – SPC
- Peter Williams – SPC
- Peter Nichols (CSIRO, Australia) nutritional value
- David Wilson IOTC – Indian Ocean material in Sustainability, Environment and Climate, and Biology profiles
- FAO – for use of figures
- Fishbase team, Philippines
Drafts of the presentation were reviewed by the following:
- David Wilson (IOTC) – Indian Ocean: Sustainability, Environment and Climate, Biology
- John Hampton (SPC) – Western and Central Pacific Ocean: Sustainability
- Simon Nicol, (SPC): Environment and Climate, Biology
- Johann Bell – Sustainability, Environment and Climate, Biology
- Tony Lewis – Production, Supply Chains & Markets
Photographs and Graphics
- Gabriel Reygondeau - Institut de Recherche pour le De´veloppement (IRD) – use of figure
- Secretariat for the Pacific Community
- Johann Bell (SPC)
- International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
- David Itano
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- Media Commons
Funding and Support
Funding to prepare the skipjack information was provided by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation ( and the Asian Fisheries Society (
In-kind support has been provided by the host organizations of those who provided information and reviewed drafts.